Samsung Smartwatch Gear S SM



Samsung Galaxy Watch Teardown

2019年2月21日 — There was already some gear floating in space, forming a belt around the Samsung sun, but a few months ago, this new celestial body has emerged.

Samsung Gear 2 Teardown

2014年4月8日 — Side note: the Gear 2 came apart extremely easily. A small Torx driver and a bit of light prying split this watch in half with ease.

Samsung Gear Sport Teardown

2017年11月1日 — Overall, disassembly is easy. Just remove the four, 3-wing screws located in each corner. The bottom pops off with a gentle pry from a spudger.

Teardown: Samsung Gear S2 - Electronics360

2016年10月20日 — The Samsung Gear S2 offers intuitive features, timeless design and a variety of customizable options that allow it to work with any style.

拆解报告:SAMSUNG三星Galaxy Watch 5智能手表

2022年12月20日 — 二、三星Galaxy Watch 5智能手表拆解 ... 进入拆解部分,解开滑锁,取掉表带。 ... 卸掉四颗固定螺丝,打开腔体。 ... 后腔内部结构一览,中框上设置有橡胶垫 ...

比想像中好修理!拆解三星Gear 2智慧型手錶

2014年4月10日 — 不過iFixit給三星Gear 2的可修復度分數高達8分(最好拆開修理為10分)。iFixit網站表示,用些簡單常見的工具,很容易就能拆下錶帶與錶背,要更換電池也 ...

